If you receive an item and it does not match the description, it is missing items that were not highlighted in the description before the time of sale, or the item is DOA (Dead On Arrival), then you will be eligible for a refund granted you contact us about the refund within 14 DAYS of receiving your item.

For evidence purposes, we are going to use the arrival date that the tracking number gives us. If for whatever reason you have to contact us after the 14 day grace period, there may not be anything we can do for you.

PLEASE, if there is something wrong, contact us immediately. Test everything you receive when you get it, because you never know what can happen during shipping! It could test working here, and then when you receive it, it could no longer work!

Items must be in the original box that it was shipped in, along with all of the original accessories that were shipped with the item. If anything is missing from the box when we receive it back, we reserve the right to not refund any of your shipment, but if you would like your item back, you can gladly pay the shipping fee one last time and we will not charge you a second time for the item. We ARE NOT trying to scam you, so please do not try to scam us!

Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact us at the email below or by CLICKING HERE!


[email protected]